Universal Multi-Plate Radiation Shield for Weather Sensors
Professional passive solar radiation shield for better protection of weather sensor, datalogger and barometers, naturally ventilated
Naturally ventilated multi-plate hygrometer barometer thermometer screen for weather sensors. Radiation shield is designed for the protection of any weather sensor with a diameter of 13 to 18 mm. Other size of tensioning gland may be fitted as required. Second tensioning gland may be fitted for a second sensor.
"Not only radiation shield, but the complete COMETEO system minimizing negative effects"
Multiplate radiation shield is used to protect measuring devices and provides more accurate measurement results. The shield minimizes radiation reaching the sensor, minimizes radiation absorbed by the shield and maximizes ambient air flow around the sensor. The enlarged 200mm diameter of 13 plates is designed to provide full protection of measuring device.
Excellent wasp and bug deterrence.
Works with COMET instruments
Fits up to most of probes, e.g. Vaisala, Rotronic
- On request